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(Continued) As we returned to port from Uchibo and entered Sagami Bay, the calm conditions changed drastically, and suddenly the wind began to blow from the west to the southwest.


Well, these things have been bothering us a lot lately.



The forecast was indeed for this day to worsen in the evening, but it was earlier!

Thanks God! Glad we left Hota port earlier !


In no time at all while sailing, the winds were nearly 13 mph W-SW .....

海も一気に白波が....The sea also has whitecaps at once ....


9256FF5B-8875-4619-A6C4-EE00FD7B5801 (1)


Covered by waves (video), but returned to port at normal cruising speed. Please be careful not to get seasick by watching below!

Strong Wind


After returning to the marina, sea conditions turned rough.


Having operated BIG TAKⅡ for many years, I remember that winter in Shonan was mainly north to northeast winds with many calm days, but especially in recent years, the winds can blow beyond the forecast so we recommend sailing in the morning time for a while!

Captain/Team BIG TAK


On the 13th, we departed early in the morning and sailed to Uchibo /Chiba pref. for the first time this year!


The weather was not too bad, but the sky looked a little different from usual, and it was either fantastic or eerie. ....絵文字



On the way from Sagami Bay to the mouth of Tokyo Bay via Misaki Port, I was a little relieved to see a few large vessels, although still fewer than before the Corona.

With the geopolitical risks in the Middle East, we are still quite concerned about the future distribution network by ship.



Arrived at Hoda Port. We greeted the fishermen's cooperative association who always takes care of us.



After all, the Uchibo area is always quiet and time to forget reality. Obviously time passes slower than Shonan! .



After the safe departure of our guests, we also saw a military convoy on the return trip, which made us feel a little more realistic after all!



Offloading a tanker sailing to the Uraga Passage


タンカー通過(動画)Tanker passing (video) ↓

でも、やっぱり迫力あるな~Very BIG and looks very powerful!


Google で調べたら....こんな船舶情報が!

We looked it up on Google .... This is the kind of information we got 絵文字

Vessel Information


Luckily the ocean was very calm and we entered Sagami Bay again via Misaki Port and headed for Shonan (continued)


Captain/Team BIG TAK



On the 12th, we sailed for a TV shoot for the first time in a while. The day started with calm northeasterly winds in the morning, but before noon the southwesterly winds suddenly picked up and the waves gradually began to appear, making us nervous.

After consulting with the TV directors, the wind and waves were still within our operational standards, so we managed to GO, and then the wind temporarily subsided, and as a result, we are very happy that we were somehow able to finish the shooting without incident.



There was some drone filming at sea, but during the filming, due to a sudden change in signal conditions, the drone unexpectedly fell into the water and submerged, resulting in the loss of an very expensive drone.

I am afraid if they were able to get the footage they were shooting during the filming ...



The staff totaled more than 25 people, who were on standby from early in the morning and really worked hard in preparation, etc. Once again, I realized how hard it is to shoot a film!



Due to nature's mischief, things did not go according to our original plan, but we, the staff, had a lot of fun while working with them.

スタッフの皆様、某人気タレントの方々にはこの場を借りて御礼申し上げます<(_ _)>。

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff and certain popular TV personalities.

ところで、何の番組かって?!What program do you think, by the way?



Let's see, it's a popular show and it hasn't aired yet, so it is still a secret, but give you a hint. Let me just tell you that it is a popular weekend show on TV Tokyo!

2月にはオンエアするそうです。They will likely to be on the air in February.


Have a great week, everyone!

Captain/Team BIG TAK





今年も自然界や人間界において様々な予測外の困難があるかもしれませんが、我々も気を引き締めて, 安全航行とリスク対策を徹底して業務に推進したいと思います。

We cannot hide our surprise at the unexpected earthquake that occurred in Ishikawa Prefecture right from the early hours of New Year's Day. We extend our heartfelt condolences to everyone who has been affected and is still facing challenging circumstances.

Seeing the footage of multiple vessels being swept away by the tsunami, as someone who also owns same vessel, it brings about a deeply torn feeling.

From the beginning of the year, Japan has faced significant trials, and the fiscal year 2024 may well be a critical period.

This year, there may be various unforeseen difficulties in both the natural and human realms. However, we are determined to remain vigilant, and we aspire to diligently promote safety in navigation and implement comprehensive measures in our risk operations.

Captain/Team BIG TAK


Since last night, it was probably the most gusty wind of the year, even including typhoons this year.


Looking at the wind readings from Enoshima last night....


Holy cow!For the first time in a long time, the wind blew nearly 30 m from the west-southwest with a roaring sound!



Today was not the day for departure, not even closer to a chance. We are sorry, but suspended all charters today and tomorrow as the strong winds and high waves will continue.

今日は出港なしでもBIG TAKⅡのエンジン起動やメンテナンス等を行うためにマリーナへ行き、船内に入ると、

BIG TAKⅡ, therefore had to dock on the land today so I just went to the marina to start the engine, generator and some maintenance, etc.

When opened the door and got inside of the cabin,


Jesus, the thermometer was over 22 degrees C! 


え~~~ What!

今本当に12月ですか?Is it really Dec.?絵文字



I don't remember it being this warm at this time of the year. However, in addition to the record-breaking heat wave this year, we have had more strong and gusty winds and the gaps of the temperature was sooo big.

On the contrary, starting tonight, a cold air mass is moving in, and it's said that the Japan Sea side will experience heavy snowfall, a once-in-a-decade event."

地球は本当に大丈夫ですかね。Is the earth really alright?


Maybe we humans are the only ones who are somehow living in a daze day by day without any particular surprises.


There is still some time left until the end of the year, but I hope the year and the New Year will be peaceful anyway....


By the way, many people are getting sick and down these days, and our mechanical engineer, Kado-chan, and the marina staff are down with high fevers, sore throats, and coughs, so please stay cautious, everyone!


Captain/Team BIG TAK
